Mackintyres Church

Mackintyre Kindol McDill-Garton
August 21, 1999 - September 12, 2008
Lathrop, Missouri

God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.
Revelation 21:4
This is a website dedicated to a nine year old boy who had a dream of building a church. Today, September 20, 2008, marks the first day of spreading Mackintyre's dream to the world via the web. The website you are seeing now is just a basic template and a few words to mark the beginning. It is very plain and simple today, but it will bloom and blossom and spread light and words just as Mackie did.
As I am able to go forward from the loss of our son from a sudden aneurysm, this website will tell the unbelieveable story of a tiny child with a big dream of building a place where people could come and hear him speak. Mackintyres Church....... We are building it. Lathrop Missouri is a small rural farming community, but we have room for one more church. A small, 1 room church on top of a hill, seven miles from the closest town, a child dreamed of a place for people to find peace, listen to music and be closer to their God.
Just as this website came to life today, the first mound of dirt was moved to begin construction. A 22 foot cross waits on the trailer to be erected tomorrow. One day at a time.